Friday, March 5, 2010

My Rant on African revival african Americans

If you are one of those annoying black people who always talk about the crap your ancestors had to go through PAY ATTENTION!

*Note-By no means am I racist or hate being black.In fact I read Roots it was a pretty good book too (for a black author) omg I can't believe I just put that!INGNORE THE PARTHETHESE!!!!!!!!1

1.Wtf is up with wearing head wraps everywhere,I'm pretty sure in Africa they can't even afford headwraps.

2.Ok, I understand that there is still racism in the world but, when you don't get a job it's not beacause your named chikwanna, it's because you got your bloody undergraduate degree in African studies instead of something actual useful to people who want a job out of a NGO like finanace.

3.Please stop wearing those horrific animal print robe thingies.You look like first class arse holes and are most definatly making a mockery of your "motherland' .

4.I understand that slavery was very bad and you want some compenstation for all your ancestors work but your residual checks are never coming.So get your lazy welfare asses up and go get some mininmum wage like the rest of the minorities in America.

5.If you don't like being called a Nigger (oh yeah! I typed it .what now son!)then don't say it yourself.I see nothing wrong with saying it or being called it these days and I don't care if I sound like a republican.

6.There is no such thing as "White People music".I mean wtf really.don't you understand if you segragate things you're just exacerbating the differences (dumbasses)

7.Black doesn't tan, so stop lying to yourselves.

8.I'm unclear why people with dark skin are considered ugly.To me skin color shouldn't matter, but if you must make fun of people darker than you let's get the whole of Anglo America to make fun of how much darker than you are compared to them and see how you feel.

9.I hate rap music and i'm with it(omg that felt so "gangsta").

10.weave- just don't wear it you look stupid because everyone can tell that i's fake so it loses it purpose.So let your napps show (that's how you spell that right?)

p.s.Obama isn't God so stop acting like it.he will be a decent president not our messiah.And I'm stick of seeing those cheap Obama shirts don't you arse holes know you stop wearing them after the election so the republicans don't feel like such losers (which they are).It's called manners, and I'm pretty sure they teach them in Africa.

So how are you ladies and gentlelmen doing on this lovely Spring Break

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